TITAN GER 1000 (5 Search System)

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TITAN Ger-1000 is definitely the best investment for all kind of projects. The most advance device in the world how collect all the new technology in one single device. TITAN 1000 !!!  you must to have it. Easy to prove it.

This is the latest news for those who looking for gold and buried treasures and ancient monuments and graves, caves and tombs underground .

After long experience and development, we would like to present the ultimate device for all around, gold, diamonds, gems and buried treasures ancient monuments and cemeteries , caves archaeological and all burials underground before extraction .
TITAN GER -1000 is a multi-system device to search for underground treasure. Titan-1000  will help you to detect and to proof your target through the location untill the final measurement object.
One device contains a complete 5 Search systems for differents uses. from the location of your target, 3D imaging, magnetometer, ionic and puls induction.
GER DETECT company put all the high-tech and experience and created the most demand device on the market today.

Now for the first time in the world, the new technology of the Titan-1000 works with five different search systems under one device and allows you to a depth up to 45 meters in the ground and 2500 meters front range.


The TITAN Ger-1000 ist the most advanced device on the market today.

The TITAN Ger-1000 is the best investment for your revenue.

TITAN Ger-1000 building for a big projects to searching for all Gold selection, Diamond, Metals and Gemstone.

The device is building and Programing with 5 search systems, which allow you to find the target and to prove it with the different search systems. This amazing Titan 1000 will make you an easy searching and will bring you to the next level of Gold,Diamond and Gemstone Detectors.

TITAN Ger-1000 has 5 searching systems to prove your target:

1. LONG RANGE search system – will allow you first to find the location thanks for the Long Range distance up to 2500 meters in front.

2. IONIC search system – will allow you to find an Ion filelds for an old buried  Gold,Diamonds and Gemstones which is already more than 10 years underground.

3. MAGNETOMETER (Magnetic system) -This system is search for magnetic metals such as iron and derivatives, this system allows you to know if there are any non precious underground metal The depth of this system up to 45 meters in the ground .

4. 3D IMAGİNG System with high accuracy – This 3D scan system will give you  information about the area that you have scaned including visual colors that will allow you to decipher the soil, and to find your target by using the colors that the program is processing. You are also allowed to see the depth of your target and make a correct analys for the location.

5. PULS INDUCTION system – This system working with P.I frequency And featuring penetrates the ground to a deep which is difficult for many devices to reach it. The Puls Induction System will allow you to use with the       Titan 1000 device as a normal metal detector and can detecting between metal and gold. Considering using the Best and latest international technologies of pulse induction systems to detect buried gold, antiquarian treasures, tunnels, caves, and precious coins underground. In addition there is automatic calibration feature with the ground to ensure that the device will not affected with the interference caused by wet soil, metal rock or hard ground.



  1. five search systems in one device.
  2. Small size and easy to use.
  3. Device operates on touch screen which show you the search data.
  4. The Device depth is 45 meters.
  5. Possibility of identifying the target depth under the ground.
  6. front range up to 2,500 meters with The possibility of determine the Front Range required Starting from 500 meters or 1000 or 1500 or 2000 or 2500 meters and a depth of 45 meters underground.
  7. Determine the metal to be searched for .
  8. The device works in four languages – German –English – French – Arabic .
  9. certificate of origin and warranty for two years from the date of purchase .Germany industry first class
  10. full weight of the device with accessories only (9 kg).
  11. the device fit all circumstances and different terrain.
  12. the device does not affected by the types of soils and rocks.

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TITAN GER 1000 (5 Search System)