Global Shipping

We Ship to all Locations

100% Secured Payment

Online Support 24/7

30 Days Moneyback Guarantee

Al Tar Tarim Makina, an FMCG Company

Is one of the world leading manufacturing and trading company and a recognized leader in the trading mrket .
We manufacture,trade, transport and transform any product in the world

Timely Response Guarantee

Our Customer Support Specialists are always available 24/7 to respond to your queries.

Our Products



Due to time and decision making constraints, we provide a warehouse which our customers can buy space while taking decisions

Private Labeling

There are possibilities for you to have your products customized with your brand if the product you need is applicable and within the scope of the law


We all know in business insurance is a vital part of everything due to unforeseen circumtances. Geting an insurance with us is know hassle due to our links to the best